RVS Thermal Vacuum systems hold CubeSats up to 6U
Seattle, WA – August 3, 2020 – Rydberg Vacuum Sciences (RVS) today announced that they have joined the Orbital Transports partner network and will offer their 6UB and 6UC Thermal Vacuum Systems product line in the Space Catalog. RVS Thermal Vacuum Systems provides space simulation systems of exceptional value for flight qualification of small satellites and components. The advanced and affordable thermal vacuum bake-out and thermal vacuum cycling products are designed specifically for the small satellite community, providing a standard test platform sufficient for nanosatellites up to 6U in size.
“RVS knows that Thermal Vacuum Testing is the last thing you want to worry about as your launch date approaches,” stated Joshua Gurian, President of RVS. “Our line of small satellite test systems can provide you with drop-in-place solutions for compliance with GSFC-STD-7000 or MIL-STD-1540 test standards.”
“We’re excited to add RVS Thermal Vacuum Systems to the Space Catalog,” said David Hurst, CEO of Orbital Transports. “They’re a great value for the smallsat community and they allowed us to offer a whole new line of development and test equipment for building Small Satellite solutions to the Space Catalog.”
The Space Catalog is Orbital Transports’ digital portal for the smallsat industry showcasing some of the industry’s most innovative and reliable companies. Featuring smallsat buses, COTS hardware components, ground station services and mission operations software, orbital transfer services, hosted payloads, and satellite servicing and refueling technologies, the Space Catalog provides a convenient go-to resource to check out the latest and greatest that the smallsat industry has to offer.
About Rydberg Vacuum Sciences
Rydberg Vacuum Sciences provides high quality space simulation systems for flight qualification of small satellites and components. With off-the-shelf test equipment for CubeSats up to 6U for purchase or rental, RVS can help you easily qualify your small satellite for launch. Custom TVAC test solutions are also available on request. For more information, contact Joshua Gurian at +1 (206) 258-6685, sales@rydberg-vs.com, or visit their website at http://www.rvs-tvac.com/.
About Orbital Transports
Located in Chicago, Orbital Transports delivers complete small satellite programs from initial concept through completed mission. The company handles end-to-end space logistics by managing the complex operations involving the space vehicles, human resources, facilities, and services required for successful space missions. For more information about our small satellite mission services, or about becoming a member of our partner network and having your products and services considered for the Space Catalog, contact David Hurst at +1 (773) 218-6151, info@orbitaltransports.com, or visit our website at http://www.orbitaltransports.com.